India’s Patanjali Claim to have invented Cure for Corona Virus

medicine Coronil

The world is facing the problem of the Covid-19. Today India’s Patanjali brand’s CEO had claimed that they found the Ayurvedic medicine developed by their company. Their experiment says they have tested this on few patients; there is not accurate data. Coronavirus medicine coronil But it shows 100% positive results on the patients.

Complete information:- The Yoga Guru Ramdev who runs Patanjali has launched Ayurvedic medicine that’s name Coronil. They are claiming that, it’s really helpful in treating the patient of Corona Virus. There are three medicine combination in treatment by Patanjali.

coronakit patanjali baba ramdev

On Tuesday,  at Patanjali Yogpeeth in Haridwar, Uttarakhand. A few months ago, Patanjali’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has claimed that they are testing the medicine and the complete data will be released soon.

Today in a press conference, Ramdev Baba Announces that their medicine is 100% success full and it has not death ratio.

How to book and get Patanjali medicine “Coronil”

We know many of you searching online that how to book and get the Patanjali Medicine that’s name Coronil. They are producing this medicine, and you will shortly find the options to consume this online, and offline.

According to the online data Acharya Balkrishna (CEO), Earlier Company has found to give cure at least 1000 patients of the COVID-19 within 5-14 days.  And that’s totally good news for India.

This medicine will be available in the Patanjali stores and online shortly at a low cost. Earlier, official twitter account Patanjali Ayurved, they also posted Ayurvedic COVID-19 Kit that’s called Corona kit.

I hope this will bring positive things around us. The corona disease that affected over 180+ country in the world.  This will come from nature and now, baba Ramdev, really brings good news for all the Indians.

Complete Information about Coronil

According to the reports, Baba Ramdev conducts that, the medicine which is given to the Corona patient it shows 100% results. It is made by Ashwagandha, Giloy, and Tulsi.

What else they suggested?

Balkrishna CEO also advised the peoples, they should have followed the routine of Yoga and take proper diet. Peoples who follow daily this routine, they feel totally active, and their body is able to deal with any kind of disease without taking any medicine.

What is the price of Coronil?

Now they officially announce the price of the Medicine, which is the Kit Coronil. Its price ₹545 and you will get the results in 5 to 7 days. This will be said by Acharya Balkrishna, this kit will be for the One month. They have conducted, on a test, 69% of patients recovered in 3 days, & 100% patients recovered in 7 days. They also said this is not immunity booster this complete solution for COVID-19.

We tested on, People who are on the ventilator, Ramdev Baba says.

They have been started working on this from December 2019, Says Patanjali.

What are the side effects of Coronil

We know when we heard about any medicine this comes instantly in our mind, it has any kind of side effect. But they claim, it has no Side effect according to the research. This has been tested on the few peoples, and they are successfully recovered their self.  With any medicine, you have to take some of the precautions. So if you don’t follow, we mean, if you feel that we have medicine and we don’t have to care for our body then medicine also can’t recover you. So take proper diet and eyes on your daily lifestyle.

How many days take positive to negative corona by Patanjali Medicine

After taking their medicine, COVID-19 patients recovered within 5-14 days then after they find negative from the corona Virus. They also said, in the press conference, they will release data in the few days for more confirmation. In the next 4 to 5 days you will get the proper report about how many patients they are able to save from corona?. What are the accurate rates of the medicine?.

Research and Medicine Manufacturer Partner

You are thinking about research and medicine partners, who are they, where they have tested this medicine, where they made this medicine.

  • Research Partner:- Patanjali Research Institute, Haridwar

                                  National Institute of Medical Science, Jaipur (NIMS UNIVERSITY)

  • Medicine Manufactures:- Divya Pharmacy, Haridwar

                                                 Patanjali Ayurved Limited, Haridwar

  • Venue:- Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar
  • Date:- 23 June, 2020

What’s good about Coronil ?

Three things, we like to share about coronil. What’s good about really for this Coronil. First thing, it is Ayurvedic, and it has a natural ingredient like   Ashwagandha, Giloy, and Tulsi. These are the best natural ingredients that also help to improve your immune system. This Coronil will defiantly attack on the Corona Virus and recover you as soon as possible.  We don’t think so is there any side effect of natural medicine. In today’s time, there are lots of peoples in India who still believe in Ayurveda. And there is not a single disease that cannot be treated by Ayurveda.

Corona Covid-19 Patanjali Medicine 100% Success

Official news channels and according to ANI, This is confirmed that this medicine is proper and no side effect and gives the 100% treatment to the coronavirus patients. Now, India is finally got the Corona Virus Vaccine, This pretends according to our Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, we are the Aatma Nirbhar Bharat. We do not have to depend on any country to get over from any situation. We fight our own.

India’s Patanjali Claim to have invented Cure for Corona Virus
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